Validate Email Using Php
Sometimes you need to validate a email when you use php as proagraming language there are many other ways to validate a email like jquery validation is popular but Php Email validation is more secure than front end validation . To validate a email using php we require php filter_var() function .
filter_var() function filters the result by consuming filter provided in it
This function accept three parameters and than filter out the result as follows
filter_var( variableName , filterName , options ) the last parmeter is optional and it check each filter with possible options
We will use FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter so that we can filter or validate a given email
we can also check for illigle characters in email by using FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL filter
let's see how we will filter email. just copy the following code in your xampp htdocs folder and try to run the script
we can also check for illigle characters in email by using FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL filter
let's see how we will filter email. just copy the following code in your xampp htdocs folder and try to run the script
if ( isset ( $_GET ) && !empty ( $_GET ) ){
$email = $_GET['email'];
if ( filter_var ( $email , FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ){
echo "<h2>$email is a valid email.</h2>";
echo "<h2>$email is not a valid email.</h2>";
<form method = "get" action="">
<p>Enter your email address : <input type="text" name="email" ></p>
<input type="Submit" value="Submit">
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